Good for Life來自澳洲,製造銷售水及空氣淨化系統,為了即將到來的國際展覽會,他們委託我們製作產品手冊。
手冊風格以清新健康為主軸符合Good for Life的產品形象,手冊要含括的內容很多,有Good for Life公司介紹、各項產品說明及表格、圖表、文字等專業技術資訊,要呈現的資訊很多,我們重新整理文字及標語,設計適當的空間留白以及清楚圖象文字排版讓手冊內容有系統的呈現,整個手冊看起來很豐富,但又不會太無趣,吸引人一直翻閱。
What they said…
Dymantic Design had the huge task of rebranding all of our product brochures in a very short period of time. They listened to my brief and delivered exactly what I wanted. I have been extremely happy with their service and speed. I highly recommend Dymantic Design.