client: FK57 - Online Betting and Gambling Website

industry: Entertainment Industry

location: Taichung, Taiwan

project: Logo Design, Brand Identity

Logo Design for Taiwan Online Betting and Gambling Website

The logo is designed with a custom lettering to help it look sporty, strong and unique but within the industry aesthetic.

FK57 is a new online gambling and betting website from Taiwan. It includes all the usual betting and gambling games, including cards, sports betting, lotteries, chess and fishing, to name a few. The logo design and brand identity for this online betting and gambling company needed to fit in with a website that was being built at the time, which already had a certain style and aesthetic to it. For example, the bright red on black was a colour theme already chosen, and a somewhat futuristic/tech kind of feel.
The logo works well in this inverted box too.

I wanted the logo to feel a bit sporty and sleek, thinking of the clientele that may use this website. As if it was a team logo upon a football jersey, and everyone who used this website felt like they were part of the team. I also had to be aware that it is a logo that will predominantly appear on the website or an app. So it should fill the usual locations a logo is usually used on these applications well (ie. top right corner of a website, app icons, etc).
The logo with tagline
The logo is a wordmark, meaning that it is only made up of the name of the business, and there is no icon. This works well for the unusual name: FK57, as it is short and intriguing. I custom designed the letters to look racy and slick, and fit within the online betting and gambling niche, and come across as a sports teams logo, as mentioned. There is a nice little quirk in that the ‘F’ and the ‘7 ’look like mirror images of each other, creating some nice symmetry the wordmark logo. The result is a very well-balanced, sporty, eye-catching logo. 
Logo seen on promotional material
A very nice aspect of the logo is the square version, whereby ‘57’ can sit under ‘FK ’and make a square-like icon. This is very practical for the digital aspect of the branding, as it can be seen in small circles (like favicons, app icons and avatars).
The logo makes a nice square version by stacking the letters
The logo design was extremely well-received by the company boss and his partners and said to be “exactly what we wanted”. 

What they said…

Exactly what we wanted!

Enson - Owner

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